100 PEOPLE: A Portrait of Coexistence

Dir: Andrew Wilson (2023), UK, 90 mins

100 People: A Portrait of Coexistence / Trailer 01

100 PEOPLE is an experimental feature film-portrait of Shieldfield, a small residential neighbourhood located just outside the city centre of Newcastle upon Tyne. 

Initiated and led by artist Andrew Wilson, this ambitious work combines several conversations between residents and workers, diverse in age, ethnicity, and economic background, to create a complicated and multi-voiced portrait of coexistence. 

100 People: A Portrait of Coexistence / Trailer 02

Once an area of farming and horticulture, Shieldfield was transformed into a bustling residential neighbourhood. Today, following its industrial decline, the neighbourhood and its people are establishing an array of strategies to connect and inspire amidst increasing social and economic predicaments.

With an original score from cellist Ceitidh Mac and composer Anna Hughes, the film is a poetic, funny and often moving reflection on our not-to-distant past, precarious present, and an everyday collective-resistance.

Touching on the neighbourhoods past, present and imagined futures the 100 PEOPLE project has produced an exhibition, a feature film and a community archive.

The 100 PEOPLE COMMUNITY ARCHIVE is now collectively owned and managed by the community co-operative 'Dwellbeing Shieldfield’.

What people have said:

“A better world can literally start on our own doorsteps”

“A message of resistance and hope … This is political and speaks volumes about the potential of resistance”

“Reminded me how wonderful ordinary people are”

“The laughter was key, but also the sense of frustration and anger”

“More varied and deep than the initial premise might lead you to believe”

“If there’s any way to change the world - this is it”

*The selected quotations above are from viewer feedback comments following the World Premiere screenings at Shieldfield Art Works and The Star and Shadow Cinema.

100 PEOPLE: A Portrait of Coexistence

WORLD PREMIERE: Wednesday 1st November, 19:30

The Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 1BB


100 PEOPLE has recieved generous support from:

  • Shieldfield Art Works

  • Dwellbeing Shieldfield

  • Newcastle University Engagement and Place Fund

  • Arts Council England